Our goal is to root out the fraudulent coaching and training services sold on social media.
Providing a truly life changing and all encompassing experience. Streamlined to maximize your results. In time you will no longer need our services, we will give you the tools to get control of your fitness! YOU are capable of anything!
Exceeding Fitness Goals
At Exceed Fitness our main goal is to help you learn the basic fundamentals of diet and exercise programming with an easy to follow online format.
We are tired of the Instagram coaches with all the same Bios "Ill help you ___ to ___ PRs"
Its all the same scam, they use the same 100$ e-book from Tik Tok.
Exceed will teach you and provide the tools to learn every aspect of your personal fitness. Maximizing results and giving you the freedom to continue without us! No coaching the same client for years! All of our coaches have multiple certifications, actual degrees, are active competitors, who really practice what they preach.
No more overpaying for sub par coaching.
Work 1:1 with one of our coaches and get the results you've always wanted.
The Story Behind Exceed
Ethan Leutholtz CPT, B.A. : My Story
Hello! My name is Ethan Leutholtz, Founder of Exceed Fitness
I started training as a teenager and started taking exercise and fitness seriously around the age of 18. As a freshman in College I wanted to get bigger and feel better about myself. I had two amazing mentors in my parents, Brain Leutholtz P.h.D FACSM, and Kerri Morgan P.h.D. Brian and Kerri were both National level bodybuilders in the 80's and 90's; Mr. Capitol City, Mr. Lansing, Ms. Michigan. Now having recently turned 24 I reflect on taking diet and exercise seriously for the past 5 years. Having competed in Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting, and teaching Kickboxing for Baylor University I understand the competitive mindset to a tee. In the past 6 years I have learned from some the of the best experienced lifters, competitors, and coaches to bring Exceed Fitness to life.
The idea for Exceed Fitness came to me on a bachelor trip with a very close friend of mine Jacob Obuszewski, Owner of Twisted Steel Barbell in Kyle Texas. On this trip a few of us had to carry a cooler up the Tejas Trail to Pine Top Campground. We realized the ridiculousness of carrying the cooler up the mountain when approached by the park ranger who took our picture for the newsletter. Our goal to get the cooler up the mountain was to get to that bush, that bend in the trail, or that rock, then exceed that goal. Thinking about carrying that cooler alone was impossible without the grit and mindset we had to exhibit to get the cooler up the trail, making a 4 hour hike, 8 1/2 hours. This idea of setting realistic goals and exceeding them gave me the idea to bring this business to life. It was a challenge and opportunity I was blessed to experience, I will never forget it!
I love the gym, it is my temple, my safe space, my mountain. I love seeing people get out of the gym what I do and I have always given out advice for free. I just want to see people exceed their goals and maximize their potential. Too many times I talk to people and they do not have programs for diet or exercise. This is why I created Exceed, to help people get their feet wet, get back to basics, find consistency, progressing your mental and physical fitness to the next level. Most people just do not know where to start or how to, most of it is trial and error. I have been through that, fat, skinny, strong, conditioned both mentally and physically. I want to help you set attainable goals and exceed them, just like we did on that mountain. This is what Exceed Fitness is all about...

Jason Miotke USAW, Owner Waco Barbell

Jacob, Alex, Logan, Nick, The Boat, Sean, Ethan